
Montag, 4. August 2014

Liberia: Klinikdirektor (Patrick Nshamdze) stirbt an Ebola

Wie am Montag bekannt wurde, starb am Samstag Patrick Nshamdze, Direktor einer katholischen Klink in der liberianischen Hauptstadt Monrovia, an Ebola.

Br. Patrick Nshamdze, our Hospital Director, dies at 52

Yesterday, August 2nd, our beloved Brother and Hospital Director Patrick Nshamdze died in ELWA Hospital in Monrovia at age 52, after 23 years of religious proffession.
Br Patrick, born in Cameroon, was tested Ebola positive on July 29, after being sick for two weeks. He had been previously tested on July 18, with a negative result.
All of us who form the family of the Saint Joseph´s Catholic Hospital and the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God ask for your prayers for his soul.

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